This portfolio is still in progress and doesn't fully reflect my skills and experience yet.

Minimized flight costs and reduced carbon emissions


B2B startup


Real project
Full time




One designer (me)
CTO / co-founder


Smoother and faster workflow while in the air which potentially in less errors and fewer flights per mission, maximizing cost savings and minimizing carbon emissions as well as strengthened competitive edge.


Aispeco's outdated flight management system fails to utilize the effectiveness of its physical product and hurts productivity of it's users, resulting in unnecessary expenses caused by extra time and usability errors in the air.


  • Hard to do user research because of very small pool of clients
who work this specific job and speak same language.
  • Almost impossible to find similar products as examples or useful in real life used patterns.
  • Hard to test, because the real action happens in the aircraft during the flight and any flight cost thousands of euros.
  • No lead or senior designers (except for my mentor giving advice).

Stakeholder interview

Reasons behind it

I confess, this project presented a level of complexity that genuinely intimidated me. With no prior experience in aviation, I found myself facing an entirely unfamiliar landscape.

Naturally, my initial focus was on understanding the current situation, expectations, business objectives, and user goals to the fullest extent possible.


  • Discovered that their current system was made by a developer without any help from designer as a temporary solution so a lot needs to be remade.
  • Discovered that my client requires two distinct interface designs tailored to slightly different personas: one for pilots and another for operators.
  • Helped to evaluate what resources we have to decide what steps we should take next.
  • Allowed me to understand the constrains regarding user research and testing.

Product analysis

Reasons behind it

Because I have no prior experience to aviation or this type of product my first mission was to get solid grasp of the product to be able to discuss and understand my client. I decided to do that by deconstructing their product and filling the missing information gaps.


  • Gave me necessary understanding about the project.
  • Stakeholders collaborated with me to uncover significant interface issues within the product, identified through user feedback.
  • Information learned allowed me to plan and meet the deadlines.

Uncovered problems with interface for operators (laptop)

Uncovered problems with Interface for pilots (tablet)

Functional requirement list
(purposly blurred)


Reasons behind it

Initially, I planned to conduct usability testing with their existing product to uncover any issues. However, my client explained that this wasn't feasible due to the high cost associated with each flight, amounting to thousands of euros.
Instead, we pursued a different approach. Leveraging my client's firsthand experience in flying and conducting missions, we facilitated collaborative feedback sessions. These sessions allowed us to iteratively refine new interface designs based on feature requirements, known customer complaints, and insights. To visualize our ideas, I utilized a UI kit to create wireframes.


  • Allowed us to save time by focusing on functionality rather than visuals.
  • Wireframes also allowed us to do usability testing faster and avoid redoing whole design just in case if something didn’t work.
  • Bring clarity to all stakeholders.

Usability testing

Reasons behind it

Initially, I planned to conduct usability testing with their existing product to uncover any issues. However, my client explained that this wasn't feasible due to the high cost associated with each flight, amounting to thousands of euros.
Instead, we pursued a different approach. Leveraging my client's firsthand experience in flying and conducting missions, we facilitated collaborative feedback sessions. These sessions allowed us to iteratively refine new interface designs based on feature requirements, known customer complaints, and insights. To visualize our ideas, I utilized a UI kit to create wireframes.


  • Allowed us to save time by focusing on functionality rather than visuals.
  • Wireframes also allowed us to do usability testing faster and avoid redoing whole design just in case if something didn’t work.
  • Bring clarity to all stakeholders.

Promotional video

"Design Wings"

I got this job from a project called "Design Wings" which was funded by European Union. To participate in this project I was competing and chosen as one of only 15 young designers nationwide. This project required chosen designers to come up with a short promotional video about the progress and regularly present out work.

High fidelity


After I fixed the issues which we discovered during usability testing, the final step was to improve upon visual design which I did using by customizing Untitled UI kit.

I proposed the idea of implementing a more visually appealing UI design. However, my client declined the suggestion, emphasizing that as a very specific B2B product, aesthetics play no role in the purchasing decision. They asserted that the current UI design is more than adequate for the product's purpose and beauty isn't something they want to invest in right now.


  • Finishing high fidelity design not only made product look better, but also fixed some visual issues which improved usability and final experience.


This project presented the greatest challenge I've encountered thus far in my career. Initially, I feared failure was inevitable. However, to my surprise and delight, I received not one, but two positive reviews from the company upon completion of the project and its currently in the process of development.


Geospatial platform manufacturer

“Although the scope of the project is infinitely large, but the designer has done an incredible amount in a relatively short time.”


CPO at Aispeco

“It's nothing but pleasure to work with David!”